Saturday, January 19, 2013

Fear is Your Friend


When I was in my teenage years, I almost drown. It was the hot long days of summer and nothing was more enjoyable than spending the days lazily by a friend of the family’s swimming pool. After a long day jumping into the deep end of the pool and doggy paddling to the shallow end of the pool, my arms and legs had enough and finally gave out mid-way from the deep end. I was totally panic stricken, to the point of paralysis. After bobbing up and down for a couple minutes, fighting to get a precious grasp of air and then sinking again to the bottom of the pool. I was lucky in that one of my friends saw my plight and decided to jump in and save my life. I continue to be thankful to him for choosing to step forth and intervene. I have never been more ecstatic to see an out stretch hand.


Question Your Fears

It took me a long time to enter the water again but since that time, I have learnt a lot about conquering your fears. Fears is your friend if your choose. Firstly, fear is a choice; you choose to be afraid of whatever you are afraid of. I love the water, and it was not until, I choose to not let fear hold me back, did I start to realized the changes. Secondly, ask yourself what is the worst that could happen, in my case, I was not able to swim well so the worst is that I would remain a non-swimmer. Once you realized that maintaining the status quo will not allow you to move forward and not allow you to grow and experience wonderful memories you can let go.
After asking yourself these two questions and answering them honestly, you will realized that there is nothing in your path. When I realized this, my life changed dramatically, to the point that I finally confronted my fear of the water and in 2006, I got certified a scuba diver. Fear remains one of the strong emotions that can paralyse and cripple your progress through life. It is very prevalent in our lives, and some many people spend their entire life just running from it but it is something that is not to be trifle with, it must be conquered. Fear thrives on secrecy and manipulates ones subconscious to exercise power over one’s actions and choices. Fear is your friend, no doubt it will take great inner fortitude to confront fear and to finally drive it submission.

Confronting Your Fear

To conquer anything requires deconstructing it, taking it to it basal elements. This is true of swimming or a deep seated phobia. Why are you afraid? What is the worst that can happen? Get clear on what exactly is driving your fear. Keep in mind; this is an opportunity to do something different, something magical. It’s a false constructs and untested assumptions that hold us back. It is the unknown, the untested; it is the secrecy, mystical that creates fear.
  1. Start deconstructing your fears, by application analysing them. Write down clearly what causes you to be afraid of a particular place or thing.
  2. Tackle each reason one at a time by logically analysing and finding solutions to them. For example, if you are fear is not having enough money, you may talk to individuals who are successful in managing money and finances.
  3. After finding ways to understand your fear, it is time to get comfortable with It. To get comfortable with the idea of being in and around water, I started with only going neck deep. Until I became, totally familiar with being in the water.
  4. Experience your fears in a stepwise progression until you are able to swim freely in the open ocean.
  5. Don't worry if your final step takes a very, very long time to go through. Some phobias can be overwhelming and hard to deconstruct.

Fear is your Friend, Conquer it

Fear is your friend, if your are ready to conquer your fears and take a a truly transformational step to improving your life and that of your family. Go ahead a examine our opportunity by clicking the line below.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Commiting to Decision Making

Committed Decision making

As human being, we all desire the same things: more money, better relationships and healthier lifestyle, but most of us don’t have a clear idea how to achieve this and the impact of these changes on our lives. The Latin for “decide” means to "cut off" ; to settle conclusively all contention or uncertainty about a matter, to discard all possibilities and focus on only one objective. One of the most important self-improvement ideas is to learn the power of being truly committed to a decision. One’s destiny is shaped and directed by our desire to take positive actions in our life's daily. Unfortunately, life is never that simply. Most of us struggle to do the things we know must be done to change our lives.

Image courtesy of suphakit73 /




Living With A Purpose

“Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it “ – Bill Cosby

Great men definite the purpose of their life and undertake a process to make their desire flesh. Life is dynamic, yet the most powerful way to reshape our lives is to take action. Be the driver and the most influential force in your life. The difference in people's success comes down to what they have done differently from others in the same situations. The difference between being in poverty or prosperity is based on the quality of the decision we have make in our life. Every man's outcome in life is directly proportional to his decision and massive action taken toward those desires. This is a universal truth that governs every process in the world.

The Killer Procrastination

“ Reduce your plan to writing. The moment you complete this, you will have definitely given concrete form to the intangible desire” Napoleon Hill

Procrastination is the killer of the decision process. Maybe, I will do it tomorrow, I will wait until I have enough money, If It rains today, I will not be able to do X. Procrastination is like a strait jacket , it limits ones movement and action and confines one to his /her present condition. It is the nemesis of massive action. Your decision may not be popular or right, but it offers you the opportunity to growth and develop; and make better choice in your life in the future. We must all realize that the idea of pleasing everyone is not only unrealistic but is an absolutely foolish notation. One thing is clear without the decision that leads to massive action, there cannot be massive success in your life. At some point you have to take the plunge into the unknown, or risk being the prisoner of your present condition. One of the easiest ways to take control of your actions is to take control of your decisions. When face with challenges or failures, the power of decision is an unconquerable, unbreakable energy that forces you to seek alternatives, to resist mediocrity, and to forge ahead to new horizons.





Transformational Change

Making a committed decision is totally transformational; it changes your mindset and makes a paradigm shift in your reality. Making a committed decision and following through with action, opens door and opportunities. No one is willing to follow an individual who is not willing to commit, who is not willing to go “All In”. Fortune favors the brave. Be bold in your approach to life, take a stand, and set goals. Nobody will set goals and implement the plan on your behalf. Ultimately, the life you desire is waiting for you, the universe is waiting for you to acknowledge and claim it. Committed decisions are what precede all of our actions. A truly committed decision is one where you dispel all the possibilities from your mind, except your desired outcome which you are absolutely committed to.

"Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth that the moment one commits oneself, then providence moves, too." - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe


Take Massive Action

According to Napoleon Hill “Persons who act with purpose and a plan attracts opportunities” and only with singularity of purpose do you attain your desires. Ones has to have true conviction and passionate to the point of obsession. If ones want to be truly successful be the Oak tree and not the Willow tree, which sways in the wind at every new option. It is through hardship, challenges and failures one truly growth and experience new limits of the human potential, these process only serve as leverage to make you more powerful. Accept the gifts that these things offer your, embrace them and marvel in their ability to expand your limitations.
Let me encourage you to make powerful decisions and take massive action in your lives. No doubt these actions will be a step toward self-improvement. Take control of your life and take massive action today.     '

Committing to Decision making

The Challenges of Network Marketing

The World Of Internet Marketing

As an entrepreneur the prospect for success is not great, being an internet marketer the chances for success is not looking good either especially for first time first time internet marketer, in multiple level marketing, the success rate is only 3% industry wide.
The success rate for internet marketers varies according to their prior success. It is said that success breeds success with internet marketing this idiom holds true as previous successes weight heavily on future success and the ability of the internet marketer to raise funds and attract services According to the Harvard researchers, there is performance persistence in entrepreneurship. The Havard business school researchers states that "All else equal, a venture-capital-backed entrepreneur who succeeds in a venture (by our definition, starts a company that goes public) has a 30% chance of succeeding in his next venture. By contrast, first-time entrepreneurs have only an 18% chance of succeeding and entrepreneurs who previously failed have a 20% chance of succeeding." Millions of prospective internet marketers are falling victims to the false gurus pitching the hype of “getting rich quick” by following their so called “proven” product o service from home base businesses. The attraction of easy money is alluring and tantalizing to many new to the Internet marketing game with the promise of a torrent of money flowing into your account.  

Challenges Encountered by Internet Marketer

The 'secrets' to success online is fairly simple and can be put succinctly as; get traffic to your website; that its, generate traffic. Generating traffic is the fundamental to all online business survival. Once the site has visitor then other strategies are employed to build and create a loyal list of subscribers to guarantee sustainability online. And this is where most internet marketers fail, they simply could not get enough visitor to their sites, and if you don't have enough visitors, you will not sell enough to ensure longevity.
All network marketing site, establish presence online, attract visitors, then promote to their subscribers base and with a few clever proven marketing strategies generate sales. Some marketers promote by offering an 'invite' or special deals such as free training or discounts, to help to grow their marketing base. Internet marketers as is the case with venture capitalist and entrepreneur are continually encounter many challenges and obstacles. Of all these the following challenges reoccur with some regularity.

Challenges Faced By Internet Marketers

To succeed online one has to overcome the following challenges. • A optimized websites so receive your visitors. • Capture pages with some offer typically free training on a relevant subject matter. • A sales funnel with automated payment system, where you can receive payments • A management system for generating a mailing list and setting up a auto-response system. • Doing promotion to your mailing list to offer your product and service through your site. • Add an invitation script to run a viral campaign.   Where does one start?
Most internet marketer fail in starting a business online, to solve this conundrum, Firstly required that internet marketers turn to using proven Business System to lower their risk exposure. Secondly, they need to find a mentor, another Network Marketer; how has a proven track record of success. Someone who already has the results you have aspiration to achieve and is capable of coaching you through the myriad of steps necessary for true success. As a Network Marketer you are not looking for academic dribble on convoluted hypothetical concepts with no real world application. You are seeking, solid time tested methods with empirical data to confirm the results - cash in the bank. Thirdly, the mentor has to be directly involved in the business in an ongoing way, that is, one does not need a mentor whose lost involvement with marketing online was over a decade ago. Our business is too dynamic, the mentor has to be in the trenches with you, with arms lock “fighting the forces of evil”.
Your mentor should be a practicing online marketer who makes a living from online marketing not necessary as is primary source of income. And since many of them have either started up businesses in the past or have worked in industries that you're trying to shake up, mentors can also fill experience gaps, as well as impart their wisdom on how to handle specific business challenges.
So how do you find a successful entrepreneur who is also willing to give you the time of day? This is were the Empower Network comes in with a completed proven business system, industry leaders as mentor and sponsor/team members who are in the fox hole with you.

Proven Solution By Empower Network

Empower Network provides a sophisticated robust all in one blogging platform that provide internet marketer with online exposure for their business by blogging daily on your customizable blog. The Empower network blogs is done through a viral blogging platform. By blogging daily, each member is able to create a presence on the internet above that of their competitors and become the preferred internet market of choice through search engine searches. Hence, it become possible to increase or build ones MLM business from the increase traffic generation . Empower network provides your will all the resources and training to overcome the challenges faced by 97% of all internet marketers.

Empower Network Membership Levels

When you decide to join the Empower Network, you will have several different levels of membership to choose from. The first level is basic membership, which costs $25 per month. This will give you access to the blogging network, and basic training tools including a core checklist that will be vital to your success. Each membership level in empower network is important because one you are IN on each level you will simultaneously purchase the ability to earn a commission from selling the training. In other words if you didn’t buy it you can’t earn a commission from it. Once you buy it you can earn 100% back of your investment as soon as you make one sale. Fair game.

Empower Network Blogging Platform ($25 a month)

The blogging platform is the lowest entry level to start using the system. This membership level includes basic access to all the training and full access to the fast training. You will also have access to the core checklist, which are the fundamentals principles to build a successful business online.  

Inner Circle Membership ($100 a month)

This membership level grants you full access to the inner circle training and the ability to start earning $100 for anyone who decides to join you at his level. There is life-changing information on this training. Not only about the technical side of building your business online but also marketing strategies that will help you create content with the potential to turn your visitors into buyers. All the fundamental concepts and much more have been put together in this training for you. So get serious, focus and take action. Most people don’t realize the main difference between someone who is making money online and an affiliate who isn’t the information they are action upon. The information in empower trainings have been proven to work for so many people already, paying over 12 millions dollars in only 10 months. In other words, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel and try to figure it out. The only thing for you to do is focus on learning how to drive traffic and apply what’s being taught.

Costa Rica Intensive Training (one time $500)

With the purchase of the Costa Rica Intensive you have the chance to make $500 from anyone who joins you at this level. For a one-time payment of $500 you will have access to the information. The best part is you get 100% of your investment right back as soon as someone joins you at this level. The training took place at David Wood’s house in Costa Rica and is one of the most powerful trainings I have ever seen in marketing. Psychology plays a big role in effective marketing and David does a great join on going over the concepts that can change the way you approach your audience or leads. Simply powerful.

The 15K Formula (one time $995)

almost a secretregister now imagesThe 15k formula is the best technical training to learn how to market online. This is where the magic happens. The training breaks down technical hand on strategies to start growing your business and finding targeted leads. The 15k formula will help you discover new ways to grow your business and tap into new leads every day. The truth is you can make a very good income online by only applying the technical “robotic knowledge”. When you properly combine the dynamics and the mechanics that’s when you can start making guru money.

      Empower network combines the best training to learn not only the technical aspect of promoting your business online but also the dynamic of interaction and how to connect with your audience or leads for greater results. Our team of over 10 years of experience online combined, feels very confident to promote this to you as a legitimate way to make money online. The information this training works and our success online is prove of it! Getting Started…! Many people join at the basic membership level so that they can start blogging about their businesses, services or what ever their interests are. Most people who start out with a basic membership upgrade soon after because they see the benefits of purchasing the trainings. No one wants to miss out on a commission. If you don’t have the right to sell a membership and someone you have sponsored into the business decides to upgrade, your will lose the commission to your up line or whoever is qualified to earn it. Upgrading your membership is a wise investment in your present and future success. One thing is for sure, the guys who are making money are ALL IN.

Building Your Legacy

Building Your Legacy

For some time into the future, the Christmas holiday will fill me with tremendous sadness and sorrow. It was this time of the year that I lost two individuals that were very close to me. My grandmother took ill on Christmas day 2009 and passed early in the New Year 2010. On Christmas day 2012, my grandfather passed after a long period of illness with diabetes and high blood pressure. The entrepreneurial spirit was strong within both, having owned and operated different businesses throughout their lives. The lessons learnt for them were invaluable: striving for financial freedom, creating a balance with work and family, being decisive and taking steps to improve your life. These lessons have left an indelible mark on my life and have also prompted me to question my own mortality and the purpose of being here and now.
what will be your legacy
“Every day you have the opportunity to learn and experience some-thing and some-one new. Seize the opportunity. Learn and experience everything you can, and use it to change the world.” Rodney Williams (born 1959);  

Define Your Legacy

I imagine what people would say after my passing – at the end of the road, would I have made a significant contribution to humanity. At some point in everyone life, this question is raise in one's consciousness. Quite a morbid topic to raise so early in the New Year but one worth serious though at whatever stage of life you are at or whatever the season. It is ever more pertinent at this time of the year when goals are being set. The beauty with this line of questioning is that it forces one to think long term and change our perspective to be in sync with our personnel goals. What you leave behind is totally up to you? Beyond the contents of your last will and testament, what part of you remains on earth even after you've passed away, is totally in your hands. People all desire to live exemplary life's, filled with glorious experiences. Most humans yearn to make positive contribute to society and leave a rich Legacy.
Your Legacy is what shapes your life, for most people, it is what drives their decision and focus. It's something you create during your life, solely to benefit future generations, something you may never see come to fruition. Your Legacy is a gift to humanity, a living testament of your lives’ work, the embodiment of your effort to leave the world a better place than when you entered it.
With each deliberate action along life’s path, one shape and fashion his/her Legacy through hard work and dedication. It is a labour of love, something that stirs passion deep in the pit of your gut, it is that burning desire that keep you up at night, it is that sense of unfulfilled that spur your on to more loftier goals.
legacy living your
Live the life you desire; where at the end you will have no regrets. Living with remorse will kill you faster than heart attack. Travel the world, experience different culture, let your palette savoury exotic cuisine, start a business venture, spend more time with family, if these things are essential to the formulation of your legacy. Of primary importance however, is the fact that, you have to take action now to pursue those hopes and dreams.

Understand your Legacy.

Why is it important to ever consider your Legacy? Firstly, whether your belief it or not, you will leave a Legacy behind. The only question is, do you want to be the author of your own Legacy or are your stories, the gems of knowledge your leave to be interpreted by others. I said, be the author of your stories, be courageous and take action, blaze a path across the pages of the history. Ultimately, it is your decision, what kind of Legacy you'll leave for posterity.

proactive action

Drive your Legacy.

Whatever Legacy you choose, it requires commitment and dedication to distillation your accumulated life work into easily transferrable information. In deciding exactly what you want to put out into the world, look inward first. Through introspection, focus on your strength, your true strength may not be obvious. A lot of people tend to focus on their professional skillset but focusing only on your professional ability may not lead to true self-actualisation. Instead focus on the specific skills and talent you possess; concentrate on how these are transferrable which would make them more widely applicable. By focusing on a narrow window, the scope of the people you are able to impact and improve on their life's journey is limited.
“Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve.... You don't have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love. ” Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968);
Let your passion guide you, find out what interest you and bring you tremendous joy effortlessly. Most people are naturally drawn to their interest, to the settings, activities and people that allow them to express their life's goal.

Life Statement

Define a vision for your life, a life statement that will guide your every action. Network marketer may have a life statement such “To be the best marketer for their team”. Setting such a statement for your life is important because it set your direction and it also determines the Legacy you leave. Focus on your life statement throughout your journey, and use it to keep focus.change your life

Take Action

After determining the plan of action for your life and setting your goals, it is time to implement. Take concrete steps always focusing on your life statement and questioning if this activity will add to or detract from your Legacy. Building your Legacy, may involve changing your mind-set, adjusting your behaviour, some form of character development, new education or training, working with a mentor and so on. Only by changing the way you live, will you be able to create the Legacy you want to leave. The beauty with determining your legacy is that it is possible to achieve it within your life time. A number of great men did not live long enough to realise their life statement. Dr. Martin Luther King and President John F. Kennedy did not live to see the success of the civil rights movement in which both played an instrumental role. If your truly committed to the cause and are willing to take massive action all your goal can be realised in a short time span. There has not been a better time in history to realise significant changes in peoples life but it require that you take action.
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Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Empower Network Compensation plan


Watch and listen to the video below as Empower Network co-founder David Wood explain the Empower Network Compensation plan  

Is extraordinary .................................
After watch the video you too can be making 100% commissions Find out by
clicking the link below and start realizing your dreams


