Friday, January 11, 2013

Commiting to Decision Making

Committed Decision making

As human being, we all desire the same things: more money, better relationships and healthier lifestyle, but most of us don’t have a clear idea how to achieve this and the impact of these changes on our lives. The Latin for “decide” means to "cut off" ; to settle conclusively all contention or uncertainty about a matter, to discard all possibilities and focus on only one objective. One of the most important self-improvement ideas is to learn the power of being truly committed to a decision. One’s destiny is shaped and directed by our desire to take positive actions in our life's daily. Unfortunately, life is never that simply. Most of us struggle to do the things we know must be done to change our lives.

Image courtesy of suphakit73 /




Living With A Purpose

“Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it “ – Bill Cosby

Great men definite the purpose of their life and undertake a process to make their desire flesh. Life is dynamic, yet the most powerful way to reshape our lives is to take action. Be the driver and the most influential force in your life. The difference in people's success comes down to what they have done differently from others in the same situations. The difference between being in poverty or prosperity is based on the quality of the decision we have make in our life. Every man's outcome in life is directly proportional to his decision and massive action taken toward those desires. This is a universal truth that governs every process in the world.

The Killer Procrastination

“ Reduce your plan to writing. The moment you complete this, you will have definitely given concrete form to the intangible desire” Napoleon Hill

Procrastination is the killer of the decision process. Maybe, I will do it tomorrow, I will wait until I have enough money, If It rains today, I will not be able to do X. Procrastination is like a strait jacket , it limits ones movement and action and confines one to his /her present condition. It is the nemesis of massive action. Your decision may not be popular or right, but it offers you the opportunity to growth and develop; and make better choice in your life in the future. We must all realize that the idea of pleasing everyone is not only unrealistic but is an absolutely foolish notation. One thing is clear without the decision that leads to massive action, there cannot be massive success in your life. At some point you have to take the plunge into the unknown, or risk being the prisoner of your present condition. One of the easiest ways to take control of your actions is to take control of your decisions. When face with challenges or failures, the power of decision is an unconquerable, unbreakable energy that forces you to seek alternatives, to resist mediocrity, and to forge ahead to new horizons.





Transformational Change

Making a committed decision is totally transformational; it changes your mindset and makes a paradigm shift in your reality. Making a committed decision and following through with action, opens door and opportunities. No one is willing to follow an individual who is not willing to commit, who is not willing to go “All In”. Fortune favors the brave. Be bold in your approach to life, take a stand, and set goals. Nobody will set goals and implement the plan on your behalf. Ultimately, the life you desire is waiting for you, the universe is waiting for you to acknowledge and claim it. Committed decisions are what precede all of our actions. A truly committed decision is one where you dispel all the possibilities from your mind, except your desired outcome which you are absolutely committed to.

"Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth that the moment one commits oneself, then providence moves, too." - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe


Take Massive Action

According to Napoleon Hill “Persons who act with purpose and a plan attracts opportunities” and only with singularity of purpose do you attain your desires. Ones has to have true conviction and passionate to the point of obsession. If ones want to be truly successful be the Oak tree and not the Willow tree, which sways in the wind at every new option. It is through hardship, challenges and failures one truly growth and experience new limits of the human potential, these process only serve as leverage to make you more powerful. Accept the gifts that these things offer your, embrace them and marvel in their ability to expand your limitations.
Let me encourage you to make powerful decisions and take massive action in your lives. No doubt these actions will be a step toward self-improvement. Take control of your life and take massive action today.     '

Committing to Decision making

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